Wednesday, March 2, 2016

So you decided to play FFXIV

Hi, Nimz here, just going to give a little guide for new ffxiv players. any questions you may have feel free to ask. I cannot recommend a world aka server to join. All I know Excalibur is an amazing server. If you want to join a specific server and it's not available after you have created your character. Save your character and keep trying the server at different time of the day and night. Certain servers are opened at different time.


There are many classes in final fantasy xiv and you can play all classes with one character, no need to create multiple characters. I recommend you choose a class ( later on i'm going to list all classes so you can make a better choice of what class you'll more enjoy playing with)and play the whole story mode quest with that one class ignore side quests for now, unless it's necessary. i.e only if your level is too low for the main story quest. To ensure your level is never too low for the story quest, as you progress through the story. You will unlock dungeons, this is where your class role comes into play, because you'll be placed in a dungeon with other players. More about dungeons later in this guide. I touched on the dungeon because you will unlock something call "dungeon roulette". Simple put, you'll get to play in a dungeon once per day for double XP. I recommend doing this everyday. Now, as you level up your character, reaching level 30, level 35 for the archer, you'll then get a job, basically you upgrade your class. But in order to do this, you will first have to take another fighting class to level 15. I will also list class requirements in the class listing. So in all you will need a primary class and a secondary class. secondary class will need to be at level 15 in order to upgrade your primary class. I recommend starting the game with your secondary class, then once it hits level 15 switch to your primary class. Or, if possible, you can level both classes at the same time. depending on your starting location. Seeing that you just started the game you will not be able to guide yourself in the world accordingly. I recommend asking a experienced player to take you to your primary class location. i.e if you choose to start with your secondary class or vice versa. All that's said, just play your secondary class to level 15. When you reach story quest level 15 you will be given a mission to visit all in game classes location. That is when you can take the opportunity to choose your primary class. Or you can just level your primary class to level 30, 35 for archers, then you get your secondary class to level 15. I'll end this introduction here don't want it to go long and get the readers bored. Side note, once you reach level 10, do the levequest. you can't miss it, your in game guide will tell you about it. Also I think you wouldn't be able to choose under classes until you reach level 10.

The classes in the games are as follow:
Weapon fighting classes.

Gladiator (a tank role class) which you then upgrade to paladin when you reach level 30,
weapon: a sword and a shield.
secondary class: Conjurer

Pugilist (a dps role class) upgrade it to monk at level 30.
weapon: I'll say brass knuckles (not exactly brass knuckles) you'll be fighting like Bruce Lee
secondary class: Lancer

Marauder (a tank role class)upgrade to warrior at level 30.
weapon: a big axe
secondary class: Gladiator.

Lancer (a dps role class) upgrade to dragoon at level 30.
weapon: spear (a spartan without the shield)
secondary class: Marauder

Archer (a dps role class) upgrade to bard at level 35.
weapon: bow and arrow (you'll be the elf from LOTR, the girl from hunger game etc)
secondary class: Pugilist

Rogue (a dps role class) upgrade to, my favorite class, Ninja at level 30.
weapon: daggers aka small blades. (lol naruto)
secondary class: Pugilist

The classes that use magic.

Conjurer (a healer role class) upgrade to White Mage at level 30
weapon: staff or stick and shield.
secondary class: Arcanist

Thaumaturge (a dps role class) upgrade to Black Mage at level 30
Weapon: staff or stick and shield
secondary class: Archer

Arcanist (a dps role class) upgrade to two classes at level 30
Summoner (a dps role class) and
Scholar (a healer role class)
Weapon: a book (Zach Bell anyone)
secondary class: Thaumaturge if you want to be a Summoner
Conjurer if you want to be a Scholar

There you go, you have the list of classes now you can decide what you want to be. There are 3 other job classes which starts at level 30 once you have Heavensward. I'm not going to get into them because I have never used them.

Tips: if you can't find a name for your character, you don't like the automatic names the game is requesting. the name you're looking for is already taken. You can just use your name name and the last name of the character you're modeling after. e.g you like Natsu Dragneel but the name is already taken. your nickname is Catslayer (keeping it clean) you can name your character Catslayer Dragneel or you can be a cat and a dragon slayer (there are dragons in the game). another tip you will see people riding around an animals, you'll get your bird at level 20 and you'll be able to teach it to fight when you reach level 30. this side quest i'll recommend.

any other questions or if you'll like another blog on a specific topic hit it up on the comment and i'll get to you.

there's a lot so just ask about something specific you may need.

I hope this was helpful.